About Us
Southern Cameroons, an independent entity in international law, is undergoing a genocide due to a failed decolonization process. After the Holocaust, the world said, “Never Again.” After Rwanda (1995) and Bosnia-Srebrenica (1995), the world said, “Never Again.” The “Never Again” genocide is being horrendously visited upon the people of Southern Cameroons, viciously executed by the central government in Cameroon. The world remains mostly silent. We, the people of Southern Cameroons were victims of the two world wars, neither of which we were remotely responsible for. Yet the blood of our mothers, children, grandparents and loved ones was spilt with barbaric precision. Post WWI, the territory belonging to German Cameroon ended up in and with about 5 countries courtesy of the Treaty of Versailles (1919-1920). Some smaller parts ended up with Chad, CAR, Congo, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea, while the remainder ended up as two League of Nations Trust Territories. French Cameroon and British Cameroon were two League of Nations Trust B territories. These Trust B territories belonged to the League of Nations with France and Britain respectively entrusted as trustees/guardians. Between 1919 and 1961, several United Nations resolutions spoke to the status of these two Trust Territories. i.) Treaty of Versailles, 1919-1920 ii.) Trusteeship Agreement of December 13, 1946 iii.) United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1514(XV) of December 14, 1960 (UN Doc A/RES/1514(XV), GAOR 15th Session Supp 16, 66). Paragraph 5 states, “Immediate steps shall be taken, in Trust and Non-Self-Governing Territories, or all other territories which have not yet attained independence, to transfer all powers to the people of those territories, without any conditions or reservations, in accordance with their freely expressed will and desire, without any distinction as to race, creed or color, in order to enable them to enjoy complete independence and freedom.” iv.) United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1541(XV) (5), of December 15, 1960 v.) United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1608 (5) XV of April 21, 1961. Paragraph 5 states; “Invites the Administering Authority (United Kingdom), the Government of the Southern Cameroons (democratically elected), to initiate urgent discussions, with a view to finalizing before October 1, 1961, the arrangements by which the agreed and declared policies of the parties will be implemented. 994th plenary session, 21st April 1961.” NOTE: No meeting as prescribed and mandated by UNRES 1608(XV)5 was ever held. Instead, French Cameroon annexed the British Southern Cameroons on September 30th, 1961, by its gendarmes and troops moving it, with the unlawful, but tacit approval of Great Britain. vi.) In place of independence and/or self-government as specified in the 1946 Agreement and article 76 a and b of the UN Charter, the Administering Authority (UK) in conspiracy with the UN invented “independence by joining” that never was and never has it existed. Instead of the decolonization of the territory, the UN turned a blind eye to an annexation orchestrated by France, with Britain’s tacit complicity, in breach of its duty to deliver independence to the British Southern Cameroons as mandated by UNRES 1514(XV). French diplomats have even affirmed this annexation in their memoirs. This lawless annexation that went against article 76 a & b of the U.N. Charter has since October 1961 not only politically maimed the former British Southern Cameroons and decapitated her institutions, but has also witnessed genocide and other war crimes meted on the people with impunity. Other sources, rulings and treaties in international law that assert the right of Southern Cameroons to statehood include: a.) The Constitutive Act of the African Union, article 4(b): It calls on all African countries to respect their borders at independence. b.) Kevin Ngumne et Augustine Ndangam v. Republic of Cameroon. This was a case in the African Human Rights Court, where this organ of the United Nations in its 2009 Banjul Ruling, ruled in favor of the petitioners and authoritatively stated in article 20 of the ruling that the people of the British Southern Cameroons aka Ambazonia have a right to self-determination. c.) United Nations Security Council Resolution 269, of August 1969 and UN RES 276 of 1970. Just like French Cameroon’s annexation of the British Southern Cameroons, the United Nations Security Council proclaimed South Africa’s continued occupation of Namibia illegal, paving the way to Namibia’s ultimate freedom. d.) The French-British (Milner-Simon) Declaration of 10th July 1919 establishing the boundaries between French Cameroon Trusteeship and British Cameroon Trusteeship Territories. e.) The 1993 ICJ Ruling of Chad v. Libya on the Aouzou strip dispute. Today, years into a war waged by President Biya starting on November 30, 2017, there is a Rwandan-like genocide unfolding with over 500 villages burnt, over 45,000 killed, over 1.5 million internally displaced people, over one million refugees with 300,000 in neighboring Nigeria, over 5000 prisoners of conscience and over 800,000 school-age students not going to school. For more on the Southern Cameroons genocide, visit: www.ambazoniagenocidelibrary.com Like other peoples in the world such as in Namibia, Eritrea and East Timor, those from Southern Cameroons want to exercise their right to self-determination as prescribed in the UN Charter. The world watched the horrors of Bosnia and acted. Today, almost the entire democratic world supports Ukraine as the horrors in that country become unbearable. Failure to act on Southern Cameroons translates into veiled support for the forces of Cameroon. We urge the African Union, the United Nations, the United States, the European Union and all adherents of the international rules-based order to compel the central government in Cameroon to strictly respect article 4b of the African Union Constituent Act and all the aforementioned U.N. Resolutions by withdrawing from Southern Cameroons and limit itself to its boundaries as of January 1, 1960, the date when Southern Cameroons obtained independence.

Our Story
Ambazonia (the former UN Trust Territory of the Southern Cameroons under
United Kingdom Administration), is located in the Ambas Bay, in the Gulf of Guinea
(Coordinates 4°00′N 9°11′E). Ambazonia is one of the oldest territories in Africa,
having been founded by Jamaican missionaries in 1858, on land purchased from the
Chiefs of Bimbia (Isubu), where an initial settlement was established. In 1884 Britain
established the Ambas Bay Protectorate, of which Victoria was the capital. It was
then ceded to Germany in 1887. By the early fifties, the Southern Cameroons -
Ambazonia was one of the most advanced territories in Africa, politically, so it was
easy for her to gain Self Government from the United Kingdom in 1954, after our
representatives, led by Dr. Emmanuel Liffaka Endeley unanimously walked out of
the Eastern House of Representative in Enugu, Nigeria. It's therefore
incomprehensible how this nation-state, which was later granted independence via
United Nations General Assembly Resolution (UNGARE 1608 XV) of April 21, 1961
ended up in 2022 as an Occupied and Annexed territory now facing a war of
Genocide and Extermination from the forces of French Cameroun.
Meet Southern Cameroons Leaders Pre/Post Indepedence