A brief History of Southern Cameroons
Southern Cameroons is the former UN Trust Territory that was under the United Kingdom Administration, is located in the Ambas Bay, in the Gulf of Guinea (Coordinates 4°00′N 9°11′E). Ambazonia is one of the oldest territories in Africa, having been founded by Jamaican missionaries in 1858, on land purchased from the Chiefs of Bimbia (Isubu), where an initial settlement was established. In 1884 Britain established the Ambas Bay Protectorate, of which Victoria was the capital. It was then ceded to Germany in 1887. By the early fifties, the Southern Cameroons was one of the most advanced territories in Africa, politically, so it was easy for her to gain Self Government from the United Kingdom in 1954, after our representatives, led by Dr. Emmanuel Liffaka Endeley unanimously walked out of the Eastern House of Representative in Enugu, Nigeria. It's therefore incomprehensible how this nation-state, which was later granted independence via United Nations General Assembly Resolution (UNGARE 1608 XV) of April 21, 1961 ended up in 2022 as an Occupied and Annexed territory now facing a war of Genocide and Extermination from the forces of French Cameroun.

(Pre-1858 - Ambas Bay before the arrival of the Europeans)
The Ambas Bay territory is located in the Gulf of Guinea, and its inland territories have been inhabited for Millennia by local kingdoms, even before the arrival of the North Africans in 500 BC. The Carthaginian mariner Hanno sailing westward from his hometown in what is now Tunisia saw the great volcano of Mount Fako, the very symbol of the great Ambazonian people, which he dubbed " Chariot of the Gods". It was later named Mount Fako or by its indigenous name, Mongo ma Ndemi (" Mountain of Greatness"), which is the highest point in sub-Saharan western and central Africa. To this day, the local Kwe or Bakweri came to believe that the mountain is guarded against eruptions by a man-eater god called “Efasa Moto”. Meanwhile, it was only later In 1472, 2000 years after Hanno, that the Portuguese explorer Fernão do Pó became the first European to visit the Ambas Bay area, or the Cameroons, which they dubbed, Rio dos Camarões. So before Alfred Saker and the Baptist Missionaries set foot in Bimba in the Ambas Bay, there was already an existing settlement in the area. With the arrival of peoples from the hinterlands who were already trading with coastal peoples of the Ambas Bay in slaves, cowries, palm oil, and slaves. The local tribes of Ambas Bay were the Isubus, Bimbia, and Woveas.
(1858 – The City of Victoria established by Alfred Saker)
In 1858, British missionary Alfred Saker founded a settlement for freed slaves at the bay which was later renamed Victoria. However, Joseph Merrick, a black freed Jamaican slave had in 1844 visited Bimbia (near Victoria) from their settlement in Fernão do Pó, and spoke to King William (William of Bimbia) of the Isubu people to request permission to establish a church on the mainland. After the initial
resistance, he was granted permission, and in 1844-1845 he founded the Jubilee Mission. When the Spanish government expelled the Protestant missionaries from Fernando Po in 1858, Saker undertook the construction of Victoria as a permanent missionary station and capital of the settlement, named after the British Monarch, Queen Victoria.
(1884 – Establishment of the Ambas Bay Protectorate)
On 19 July 1884, the British Ambas Bay Protectorate was established (subordinated to the Oil Rivers Protectorate with Victoria as its capital. Ambas, Amber—means fertile dark-brown soils. Ambas Bay and Ambas Bay Colony had international legal status close to becoming an independent country. It is only logical that all the lands lying behind Ambas Bay as defined by international treaties separating them from Nigeria and Cameroun belongs to the Ambas Bay Protectorate. Ambazonia is therefore an internationally recognized entity with a long history, though interrupted by a brief period of German colonial rule, followed by the League of Nations and UN Trusteeship System administration.
(1887 – The Ambas Bay Protectorate Ceded to Germany)
Contrary to popular accounts, The Ambas Bay protectorate was not incorporated and ceded to Germany in 1884 after the Berlin Conference but was only done so later in 1887. It must be noted also that the locals, the peoples of the Protectorate were not necessarily consulted nor signed off the transfer of their territory to German Kamerun. That’s why the resistance to German efforts pacifying the territory was
fiercely resisted, and led by great warrior kings like Chief Kuva Likenye, the founder of the Buea dynasty. He was the brain behind the Bakweri war of resistance in 1891- 1894 against Gravenreuth, the German commander. Fired up by the spirit of the ancestors, and spiritually inspired by the mountain god “Ifasa moto”, or the mountain goddess “Liengu la lelu” or better still by the founding father of Buea Eye Njie Tama Lifanje, he mobilized an army of over 500 Bakweri warriors to stop the German
advance. Similar resistance in the Manfe, Bangwa, Bamenda, and Kom areas to the German incursions showed a particular patriotic spirit amongst the peoples of the Ambas Bay. from the coast to the hinterlands.
(1916 – Britain and France occupy German Kamerun)
Even before the Germans were able to pacify the peoples and interior of the Ambas Bay, the First World War broke out in Europe. And in the intervening period, the British and the French were able to penetrate the Cameroons, defeating the Germans by 1916, and temporarily dividing the territory between both powers along the Simon-Millner Line. The political status of the Ambas Bay territory, as well as of French Cameroon was to be altered in ways that would have grave consequences for
the future of both peoples, with implications for the ongoing war of National Liberation and Self-Determination for the People of the Southern Cameroons –Ambazonia.
(1919 – German Kamerun divided at the Versailles Treaty)
The former Ambas Bay protectorate is carved out of German Kamerun, and becomes part of British Cameroons after the division of the said territory is recognized at the Versailles Treaty ending World War 1. This Versailles treaty establishes the British Cameroons, as an internationally recognized territory with clearly defined boundaries, its Western frontiers with Nigeria demarcated by the Anglo-German Treaty of 1913 from Yola in Lake Chad to Bakassi, and its Eastern boundaries with French Cameroons defined by the Simon-Millner Line of 1916 and the Versailles Treaty of 1919.
(1922 - The Cameroons becomes a League of Nations Mandate)
In 1922 the Cameroons were made a League of Nations-mandated territory under the United Kingdom administration, while French CameroUn is also made a League of Nations Mandated territory under the French administration. This further established the international character of these territories and helped developed a national identity for the peoples of the Southern Cameroons. It was also during this same period that the erstwhile German plantations were consolidated into a national corporation called the Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC) which was to act as the economic engine of development for the territory.
(1946 – The Southern Cameroons become a UN Trust Territory)
After the Second World War, following the Trusteeship Agreement between the United Nations and the United Kingdom on December 13th, 1946, the Southern Cameroons becomes a UN Trust Territory under the administration of the United Kingdom. As with the League of Nations Mandate, this further solidifies the status of the Southern Cameroons – Ambazonia as an internationally recognized territory within secured boundaries as opposed to French Cameroun or Nigeria, notwithstanding the fact that
the territory was governed via the Eastern Region of Nigeria for matters of convenience.
(1954 – The Southern Cameroons attains Self-Rule in Buea)
As mentioned earlier, the United Kingdom, as administrator of the Southern Cameroons was pushed to recognize recognized the decisive move by our leaders to withdraw from the Eastern House of Representative Enugu, to form a government in Buea. Being a distinct political entity as per the UN Trusteeship Agreement, the territory was also represented at the Federal capital in Lagos through the auspices of the National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons (NCNC), a party headed by Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe. It was due to our high level of political maturity, and our unique status as a UN Trust Territory with a right to independence and sovereign statehood, Dr. EML Endeley was able to lead our people to Self-Rule in Buea, becoming the first Prime Minister and Head of government in 1954.
(1959 – Free and Fair elections held in the Southern Cameroons)
Following five years of a functional democracy, with a parliament, judiciary, police force, and other instruments of government, the first free, fair, and transparent multiparty election in Africa was held in the Southern Cameroons with a peaceful transfer of power from Dr. EML Endeley to the opposition party leader, Dr. John Ngu Foncha. This momentous election marked a milestone in the political
development of the territory, proving the maturity of our polity and strengthening our demands for full independence by 1961. This was why our leaders held a series of conferences, culminating in the all-party Mamfe Conference of 1959, to come up with a common position, as we charted a political future for our station.
(1960 – Southern Cameroons leaders visit the UK and the UN)
Following visits to London and New York by our leaders to petition the United Kingdom and the United Nations Trusteeship Council for Independence, the Southern Cameroons Constitution (Order-in-Council) was adopted by the Southern Cameroons Parliamentarians, in anticipation of the attainment of Independence prior to 1961. Following the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1514 of
December 14, 1960, known as The Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, political expectations were very high as we approached 1961.
(1961 – UN Plebiscite vote held the Southern Cameroons)
Following article Art 76(b) of the UN Charter requiring the United Kingdom to transition of the Territory from a Trust territory into a Self-Governing State, the UN General Assembly voted in Resolution 1350 (XIII) 63 recommending that separate plebiscites in the Southern Cameroons and in the Northern Cameroons respectively to determine the future of these territories. A Plebiscite was therefore
held in the Southern Cameroons on the 11th of February 1961, in which the peoples of the said territory expressed a wish to go into negotiations with the already independent Republic of French Cameroun towards forming a Confederal Union of two equal states.
(1961 – Independence to the Southern Cameroons)
Following the results of the United Nations supervised Plebiscite, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) voted on the 21st of April 1961 in Resolution 1608 (XV) to grant independence to the Southern Cameroons within secure international boundaries (as per the Anglo-German Treaty of 1913 and the Versailles Treaty of 1919) and setting October 1 st, 1961 as the date of Independence. It must be noted
here that unlike other Trust Territories like British Togoland, the Southern Cameroons was the only Trust Territory where the United Nations General Assembly met and held a vote, granting her Independence with an overwhelming majority and setting a date of Independence. This was because Ambazonia was already a Self-Governing Territory and she was therefore not mandated to reach an agreement
with French Cameroun towards forming a Union. In fact, such a Union Agreement was never agreed upon, then signed and deposited at the UN Secretariat as required by International law prior to October 1 st, 1961.
(1961 - The Southern Cameroons obtains Independence)
Following UN Resolution 1608 (XV). A de facto Federation of two equal states is established with the Constituent state of West Cameroon and the Constituent state of East Cameroon (The French Republic of Cameroun). The Southern Cameroons or the State of West Cameroon retains her territorial integrity and Self-Rule, with a government seated in Buea and headed by a Prime Minister in the person of John
Ngu Foncha, who also acts as Vice-President of the Cameroon Federation.
(1965 – H.E. Bobe Augustine Ngom Jua becomes Prime Minister)
In 1965, H.E. Bobe Augustine Ngom Jua becomes Prime Minister, replacing Hon. John Ngu Foncha as Head of Government of the Southern Cameroons. However, Foncha remains as Vice President of the Cameroon Federation until 1970. Being a staunch Southern Cameroons Nationalist, H.E. Ngom Jua took certain measures to guarantee the integrity and the autonomy of the territory within the erstwhile
Federation, challenging an overbearing Amadou Ahidjo, President of the East Cameroon State, and of the Federation in several instances when the latter attempted to subvert the institutions of the Southern Cameroons.
(1968 – Hon Solomon Tandeng Muna becomes Prime Minister)
Hon Solomon Tandeng Muna replaces Bobe Augustine Ngom Jua as Prime Minister and Head of Government of the West Cameroon government, in a move many saw as engineered by French President Amadou Ahidjo in order to get rid of Bobe Jua, who was a Nationalist leader and fought the central government at every turn to uphold the dignity and autonomy of the people and its territory. Setting the stage for his removal, President Ahidjo had earlier coerced politicians in both federated states
into merging their political parties into a one-party state. In a clear attempt to subvert the institutions and the political will of Southern Cameroonians to resist his insidious attempts to subvert our institutions.
(1972 – The State of the Southern Cameroons abolished)
Having merged all political parties by 1966, and maneuvering into place a compliant Prime Minister for the Southern Cameroons in the person of S.T. Muna, who served as Prime Minister of West Cameroon from January 11, 1968, to June 2, 1972, Ahidjo went forth, inspired and directed by France, to dissolve the Confederal Union. This was in gross violation of Article 47 of the Federal Constitution which prohibited any bill that was meant to alter the Federal nature of the state. Through the science and
treachery of S..T Muna, Ahidjo was able to implement this insidious process of annexation and recolonization of the Southern Cameroons. With all our political parties dissolved and submerged under the Cameroon Union (CU) party, and our Nationalist leader, Hon Ngom Jua was deposed in 1968, it became difficult for our people to launch any organized resistance to this assault on our statehood.
(1973 – Hon. Solomon Tandeng Muna made Speaker of Parliament)
With the state of the Southern Cameroons dissolved, and the position of Prime minister suppressed, Hon. Solomon Tandeng Muna, who was complicit in this treachery and betrayal of the Southern Cameroons was made President of the National Assembly of Cameroon, serving from 1973 to 1988. The spirit of
Nationalism amongst the peoples of the Southern Cameroons however never died out, though suppressed, and will emerge again two decades later in an attempt to restore our statehood.
(1984 - Biya unilaterally changes the Name of the Country)
In 1984, a year after becoming President, Paul Biya of Cameroon doubles down on his Annexation and Assimilation agenda of the Southern Cameroons -Ambazonia with a Presidential decree changing the name of the country from the United Republic of Cameroon to the Republic of Cameroon, and removing one star from the country’s flag, doing away with the last symbols of a once Federated state. This
move was considered by many, led by Fon. Gorgi Dinka (the father of Ambazonia), as u unilateral secession of French Cameroun from the defunct Union.
(1984 - Ambazonian Restoration Council demands end to Union)
The Ambazonia Restoration Movement (ARM) was led by Fon. Gorgi Dinka, the father of Ambazonia, demands from President Biya either the total implementation of The Plebiscite Treaty between Cameroun and Southern Cameroons or that Cameroun totally withdraws her administration from the erstwhile Southern Cameroons in the event of failure to honor the said Treaty of the union. A resolute Pan-Ambazonian patriot, this move sparks a Nationalist movement in Ambazonia, leading to the creation of groups like the SCNC, SCAPO, The Youth League, etc, a decade later.
(1993 - All Anglophone Conference (AAC I) holds in Buea)
In April 1993 the long-anticipated All Anglophone Conference (AAC 1) holds in Buea is the capital city of the Southern Cameroons. Representing Anglophone political leaders across the board, it creates the " All Anglophone Standing Committee," charged with negotiating with the Cameroon government " in close observation of the terms of the Anglophone Draft Constitution to be tabled at the talks and be bound by that Draft 's proposal regarding the return of Cameroon to the federal form of government" This was the first time that a cross-section of Southern Cameroons leaders had met to chart a political future for the territory since the illegal dissolution of the State of West Cameroon in 1972.
(1994 – The All Anglophone Conference II holds at Bamenda)
Between 29 April and 2 May 1994, the All Anglophone Conference II holds in Bamenda on the heels of AAC I, dissolves the " All Anglophone Standing Committee" and replaces it with a new Anglophone Council, whose task was to seek and ensure " Constitutional talks between Anglophone Cameroon and Francophone Cameroon on the basis of the Draft Federal Constitution which was submitted by the Anglophone Standing Committee in May 1993. The Conference
was chaired by Barrister Sam Ekontang Elad, a leading Southern Cameroons Nationalist. It stated that " the Anglophone Council shall, ‘thereupon, proclaim the revival of the Independence and Sovereignty of the Anglophone territory of the Southern Cameroons and take all measures necessary to secure, defend and preserve the Independence, Sovereignty, and Integrity of the said Territory”.
(1994 – The Southern Cameroons National Council created)
In 1994 – The Southern Cameroons National Council (SCNC) is created with Justice Frederick Alobwede Ebong as founding Chairman, and Dr. Nfor Ngalla Nfor as Vice Chairman. As the successor organization to the Anglophone Council, Its primary mission was to proclaim the revival of independence and the sovereignty of the Anglophone territory of the Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia),
and to take all measures necessary to secure, defend and preserve the Independence, Sovereignty, and Integrity of the said Territory. Amongst the measures was mandated to take the creation of a Southern Cameroons Constituent Assembly for the purpose of drafting, debating, and adopting a Constitution for the Independent and Sovereign State of Southern Cameroons. It was also charged with negotiating a peaceful separation with the Independent and Sovereign Republique du Cameroun on the basis of the Buea Peace Initiative and on such other terms as shall be mutually beneficial.
(1999 - Justice Frederick Alobwede & Co. Seize Buea Radio Station)
On the night of 30-31 December 1999, armed activists led by the SCNC National Chairman, Justice Frederick Alobwede took over the Buea radio station. And read the Proclamation of Independence between the hours of 11:30 p.m. and 3:00 a.m. Nine days after the event Justice Ebong, who read the proclamation, and two other SCNC leaders were arrested and taken to the colonial capital in Yaoundé.
Some 23 people were also arrested following rallies on 8-9 January 2000 connected to the 30 December 1999 independence proclamation. The proclamation claimed to formalize " the Restoration of the Sovereignty and Independence of what used to be the Southern Cameroons under United Kingdom administration henceforth to be known and called the Federal Republic of the Southern Cameroons . . . Pending re-establishment of the institutions of the Federal Republic of the Southern Cameroons, the Chairman and the Executive Council of the SCNC shall co-ordinate the day-to-day internal administration & quot;
(2000 - Southern Cameroons Nationalist Movements form Alliance)
In May 2000. four of the major Anglophone organizations, namely the SCNC, the SCYL, the Ambazonian Movement (AM), and the Southern Cameroons Restoration Movement (SCARM) agreed to form an alliance to achieve the independence of the territory of the ex-British Southern Cameroons in 2001. At a summit in Washington in June 2001, representatives of the territory adopted the so-called Washington Proclamation of the Statehood of the ex-British Southern Cameroons, ‘confirming the
declaration of separate independence already made by Justice Ebong in Buea on 30 December 1999’, and decided to set up the British Southern Cameroons Provisional Administration.
(2003 – Chief Etun Ayamba elected as SCNC Chairman)
Following the death of Dr. Martin Ngeka Luma, Chief Etun Ayamba is elected as National Chairman of the Southern Cameroons National Council (SCNC). It should be noted that on December 31, 1999, the long, gray-beard Chief Ayamba, together with Justice Ebong and Pa Sabum, seized Radio Buea and proclaimed the independence & restoration of the statehood of the Southern Cameroons. They were arrested and released 18 months later, without a trial by the Biya’s junta in La Republique du Cameroun. Ever since he vowed never to shave his beard until the Southern Cameroons was completely freed.
(2003 – Cameroon sued at the ACPHR in Banjul)
This is a case that was filed before the Africa Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights on January 9, 2003, by representatives of the Southern Cameroons National Council (SCNC) and Southern Cameroons Peoples Organisation (SCAPO), acting on their personal behalf and on behalf of the Southern Cameroons. The plaintiffs who filed the case were the following: Dr. Kevin Ngwang Gumne, Mr. Augustine Feh Ndangam. Dr. Martin Ngeka Luma (Deceased), Chief Ayamba Ette Otun (Deceased). Mr. Nfor Ngala Nfor, Mr. Humphrey Mbinglo, Mr. Albert Womah Mukong (Deceased), Isaac M. Sona, Dr. Emil Mondoa, Dr. Tayoba Ngenge, Dr. Stephen Shemlon, Dr. Martin Ayim, Dr. J Asongu, Mrs. Regina Mankefor (Deceased), Ms. Melissa Nambangi, Mr. Andrew Edimo, Mr. Tum Tafon, Mr. Dennis Atemkeng. The complainants were represented by Prof. Carlson Anyangwe, as lead Counsel and the law firm of Akinlawon & Ajomo of Lagos, Nigeria. The complaint recites that La République du Cameroun is guilty of violating the rights of hundreds of citizens of the Southern Cameroons and the collective rights of the People of the Southern Cameroons.
(2009 - The ACPHR rules on the case against Cameroun)
In May 2009, the African Court of Peoples and Human Rights (ACPHR) ruled on the case against the Republic of Cameroon brought by SCAPO, the SCNC and 14 Southern Cameroons nationalists based on subjugation, domination, and exploitation of our people by the Republic of Cameroon" After reviewing the case, the African Commission concluded that " the people of Southern Cameroon" qualify to be referred to as a "people" because they manifest numerous characteristics and affinities, which include a common history, linguistic tradition, territorial connection, and political outlook. More importantly, they identify themselves as a people with a separate and distinct identity. Identity is an innate characteristic within a people. It is up to other external people to recognize such existence, but not to deny it.
(2013 – Dr. Nfor Ngalla Nfor elected Chairman of the SCNC)
After the death of Chief Etun Ayamba, the SCNC elects Dr. Nfor Ngalla Nfor as the new Chairman of the Southern Cameroons National Council. A staunch Southern Cameroons - Ambazonia nationalists arrested and locked up dozens of times the colonial regime, Dr. Nfor Nfor carried out many trips abroad on a diplomatic offensive, including trips to Geneva, London, New York, and other capitals where he
advocated for the unconditional Restoration of Ambazonia’s independence, adopting the Motto: The Force of Argument, and not the Argument of Force. He was amongst the Nera 10 abducted with Sisiku Julius Ayuk-Tabe and serving a life sentence in Cameroon’s capital, Yaounde.
(2016 - Southern Cameroons Lawyers Launch Strike Action)
On October 16 th, 2016, Southern Cameroons Lawyers launch a sit-down strike
action protesting the gradual and deliberate assault on the Common Law System
that has defined the very concept of justice for the peoples of Ambazonia, with
massive support from the people.
(2016 – Southern Cameroons Teachers Launch Strike Action)
And on November 21, 2016, a little over a month after, Southern Cameroons' lawyers joined the strike in protest at the concerted erosion of the Anglo-Saxon educational system unique to the people of Ambazonia. The action of the teachers to join the lawyers' strike brought in the Civil Society at large, and the population led by Nationalist leader, comrade Mancho Bibix, in what was later dubbed the Coffin Revolution. Mancho Bibixy will be later on arrested, jailed, and sentenced along with
his comrades to long prison terms on trumped-up charges of secession and insurrection in a Military Tribunal, in violation of their fundamental rights to due process.
(2016 - Formation of the Anglophone Civil Society Consortium)
Leveraging their demands with a focus on the Restoration of the defunct Two-State Federation amidst other demands, the lawyers, teachers, and civil society organizations went on to form the Anglophone Civil Society Consortium (ACSC)as an umbrella movement to Represent the Ambazonian people in any future negotiations with the government of Cameroun. Pressured by the Southern Cameroons people who saw an avenue to push for their legitimate demands for Self-Determination and Restoration of Statehood, the Consortium insisted as its minimum demands the restoration of the defunct Federation of two states as existed prior to May 1972.
(2017 - The Consortium and the SCNC banned)
On January 17 th, 2017, the Cameroon Civil Society Consortium (CACSC) and the Southern Cameroons National Council were outlawed and banned through a ministerial decree signed by Minister René Sadi, the minister of Territorial Administration of the Republic of Cameroun. This move led to the arrests of its
leaders, including the President, Barrister Agbor Nkongho Balla, the Sec. General Dr. Fontem Neba, and other teachers and activists including Penn Terence Khan, Conrad Tsi, and many others. Meanwhile, many other activists went into hiding, while others fled abroad to Nigeria and beyond.
(2017 – Frontline Ambazonia Leaders Create SCACUF in Nigeria)
From 23 to 26 February 2017, leaders of Frontline Movements for the Restoration of the Independence of Southern Cameroons/Ambazonia met to craft a strategy for the Consolidation of the Catapult Revolution. In a 13-page document titled ‘Structure of the Movement,’ the Southern Cameroons/Ambazonia Consortium United Front (SCACUF) is created in Nigeria, and spearheaded by the Consortium and the Southern Cameroons National Council. The nationalist movements that constituted SCACUF included the Consortium, The Southern Cameroons National Council (SCNC), The
Ambazonia Governing Council (AGovC), The Southern Cameroons Peoples Organization (SCAPO), The Southern Cameroons Youth League (SCYL), The Movement for the Restoration of the Southern Cameroons (MORICS), the Southern Cameroonians in Nigeria Association (SCINGA). The meeting was facilitated by the Southern Cameroons South Africa Forum.
(2017 – The Ambazona Governing Council created)
The Southern Cameroons/Ambazonia Consortium United Front (SCACUF) transforms itself via a series of conclaves ending in September 2017 into the Governing Council, with the election of Sisiku Julius Ayuk-Tabe as a pioneer chairman. Though some movements were not part of this effort, most Ambazonians recognized the creation of the Governing Council and considered it a step forward
in the long march toward the Restoration of statehood.
(2017 - Southern Cameroonians March for Freedom)
On September 22 nd, 2017, following a call from Sisiku Julius Ayuk-Tabe, the Southern Cameroons people, came out in their millions across the national territory in what was deemed a Peaceful Referendum; in favour of the Restoration of the independence and the Statehood of the Southern Cameroons – Ambazonia. This massive show of support for the Chairman of the Governing Council and for the movement took the colonial regime in Yaounde and the international community by shock, as it demonstrated a strong and overwhelming desire by our people for the Restoration of our statehood.
(2017 – Southern Cameroonians celebrate Independence Day)
On October 1 st, 2017, following the massive support for independence and statehood, the Chairman of the Governing Council, Sisiku Julius Ayuk-Tabe, declared the Restoration and Independence of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia, thereby becoming the first President of the Interim Government of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia. Millions of Ambazonians came out across the national territory to celebrate October 1st, the Independence of their
(2018 - Sisiku and Cabinet Abducted in Abuja, Nigeria)
On January 5 th, 2018, the President of the Interim Government of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia, Sisiku Julius Ayuk-Tabe, along with 11 members of his cabinet was abducted at the Nera Hotel in Abuja by Nigerian Security Services and illegally transferred to the Republic of Cameroun in violations of Nigerian and International law statutes. They would later be tried by a military tribunal for
‘treasonable’ offenses and sentenced to life imprisonment.
(2018 – Dr. Samuel Ikome Sako elected as Acting President)
Following the abduction of Sisiku Julius Ayuk-Tabe, Dr. Samuel Ikome Sako is elected as the Acting President of the Interim Government of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia. Dr, Sako Ikome took over at a very critical time in the struggle, and in spite of the adversities, has managed to keep the Interim Government and the struggle alive. A highly educated and resolute patriot, he continues to
steer the struggle on its unstoppable journey to Buea.
(2020 – Dr. Samuel Ikome Sako elected as President of the IG)
On November 21, 2019, Dr. Samuel Ikome Sako is sworn in as the President of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia by the Chairman of the Restoration Council, Mr. Elvis Kometa, in view of the continuing incarceration of Sisiku Julius Ayuk-Tabe. Dr. Sako renominates Dr. Harrison Abongwa as the Vice President and takes measures to strengthen the Interim Government, buildings on the successes achieved so far. He continues to lead the Ambazonian struggle, both on the ground and on the diplomatic front.
An Extract from Tarh P. A. MSc. Dissertation